Infund Platform Statistics: Investors, Campaigns, and Total Funding
This page explores the statistics of infund's platform.
Last Updated: 10 Feb 2024
Rate of Return
The rate of return is computed as expected interest payments (as defined in the respective Note agreements) less fees and charges divided by the loan amount, expressed as a percentage.
Please note that actual returns may be lower than the expected rates of return, and historical returns may not reflect future returns.

Weighted Average
Non-Performing Loan Rate
The computation of Non-Performing Loan (NPL) rates are based on total outstanding principal amounts of the notes till maturity. ​
For Promissory Notes with overdue and unpaid amount past 30 days, the entire outstanding principal amount till maturity is considered.​​
The NPL Rates are a snapshot on the Notes' performance as at 31st December of each calendar year where subsequent successful recovery of monies are excluded in the computation.

>30 Days and <90 Days
>90 Days
The Rate of Returns and Non-Performing Loan rates computed are based on Promissory Notes issued within the year of computation.​​
Though the calculations above are based on overdue of 30-90days and >90days, infund classification of loan is based on the industry’s best practices similar to credit agencies and central banks such as MAS and HKMA. For more information on infund Loan Classification, please read here.
The calculations, methods and formulas herein (a) are designed to be informational and educational tools only, and do not constitute financial or investment advice, (b) should not be regarded as an offer, solicitation, advice or recommendation to buy or sell any investments, securities or any other financial services or products, and (c) do not include or consider additional fees, charges, costs or taxes that may be imposed or charged. There is no guarantee that the calculations, methods and formulas herein are reliable, accurate or complete or that they will be compatible with or represent the actual measure of your investments or investment objectives. infund is not liable for any errors or omissions in the calculations, methods and formulas herein.​
All forms of investments carry risks, including the risk of losing all of the invested amount.
Such activities may not be suitable for everyone. For our full risk disclosure, please click here
Want to know more about crowdfunding before you start investing? Read here
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