Fueling a positive change.
With our deep understanding of SMEs needs, we play our part in contributing to Singapore's economy. At the same time, we consider the effects that our business has on the environment and the people around the world. The increasing awareness of global challenges have brought companies around the world to work together with a common interest of overcoming these challenges. With a broad avenue of industries working towards this change, we strive to discover new ways to establish a healthy and sustainable economic growth.

Make a Global Impact: Crowdfunding ESG Loans for Sustainable Growth

Responding to global risks, the indisputable ownership.
Crowdfunding ESG at infund.
Pressing global concerns, a panoply of issues and a wide range of solutions. We deliver our environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy starting with our practices addressing the business impacts of these issues and spread our actions by providing products that empowers our clients to meet their goals.​
We built our focus on six pillars that we find most relevant to our clients and the communities.
Driving the right change.
We are committed to stay pragmatic and considerate as a corporate citizen. Because our business makes a difference to the economy. Our strategy is to use our reach, market influence and resources to contribute in global challenges, including economic health, climate awareness and social equity for a sustainable future.

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